luni, 2 mai 2011

Lara Long, agresiunea sexualǎ și reacțiile de pe youtube

Obișnuiesc sǎ citesc comentariile de la video-urile de pe  youtube, pentru cǎ vreau sǎ aflu cum gandesc oamenii de pe tot globul, din culturi diferite și deci cu percepții diferite.

Astǎzi, am citit aici despre interviul acordat de reportera de rǎzboi americancǎ  Lara Long postului de televiziune CBC, în care vorbește despre abuzul sexual la care a fost supusǎ în ziua de 11 februarie, anul acesta, în piața din Cairo. Din pǎcate, n-am gǎsit video-ul cu interviul pe youtube, ca sǎ îl pot posta direct pe blog. De aceea, dacǎ vreți mai multe informații, accesați site-ul

Dupǎ cum spuneam, petrec deseori ore întregi citind comentariile. Din video în video, am spicuit cateva care mi s-au parut mie cǎ  înfǎțișeazǎ poate cel mai bine anumite curente de opinie referitoare la subiect.  Mi-am luat libertatea și am pus și cate un titlu  la fiecare comentariu.

Radicalismul anti-arab
typical of the muslim world. full of barbarians and animals. life means nothing to them. and raping women....well...we see how they CONTROL women in their culture. bunch of sick twisted men and their cowardice of women. disgusting.

Teoria conspiraționistǎ
For an alleged 'rape' victim she certainly appears to have no embarrassment going on DOZENS of tv shows to detail her alleged assault. I suspect there was no rape and since she works for CBS--a govt propaganda mouthpiece--this smacks of pure propaganda, i.e., send an attractive blonde with blue eyes into the midst of a CIA/Mossad provoked tumult and claim 'swarthy Arabs raped one of our blonde goddesses' to which immediately millions of MSG-Aspartame-Flouride-pollute
­d viewers swallow whole. 

Femeia ușoarǎ cere violul
I heard that she' always haD bad behavior, who the hell does she think she is going to the middle east, without covering herself, she thought she was special huhh. and by the way, i read in a article that an embassy workers wife said that she had an affair with her husband, and then slept with two CNN reporters and got them to fight in front of we know she's a SKANK...

Prudențǎ înainte de toate
she's blonde and Arab men are fucking horny bastards for white women. not to blame her but she should have covered her hair and tried to blend in as much as possible. i'm not saying it's her fault but if you go into a warzone you wear a flak jacket. if you don't take the proper percautions in any dangerous situation you take your safety into your own hands

Revolta omului naiv
What is happening with today's males? Why are they bullying women? Don't these males have any home training!?! Lara is a female around these males to do her job as a reporter and she should have not been treated differently than any male journalist. But, scripture states that the latter days would be filled with wild, lawless people and this is proving to be true in the 21st century. 

Revoluție politicǎ, dar si revoluție a drepturilor
What happened to Lara was disgusting & vile to say the least. The revolution achieved a miracle by getting rid of a dictator, I truly hope that the same people will realize that is extremely important to succeed in eliminating sexual harassment and rape of women. Sexual assault has become a pastime amongst men in Egypt who spend much of their time touching sensitive parts of women in the street or stalking them.

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